Monday, October 26, 2009

For once I am glad it's Costco day at work

This morning I was enjoying my cocoon of darkness and warmth at 7 am, and refused to get out of bed a moment sooner than I absolutely had to in order to at least shower and then go to work, despite having wrapped myself at 7 pm the night before. Copious amounts of sleep is my cure-all, including headaches and sore throats, both of which I had last night. So to bed I went, listening to my mix of La Femme Nikita songs, Enigma softening the pulse in my eye. Just the one.

I barely made it to work, skipping making my own lunch. Hopefully work would have something good to eat, maybe China Isle or something tasty and loaded with fat and protein and nutrients so I could feel like I was combating my oncoming cold. To my disappointment it was Costco written across the menu board. It was then that I realized I'd forgotten my wallet and had no money anyway. Blast. I had two options: 1. microwave popcorn and apple sauce from my drawer of snacks to keep me running through 10 hours at work. or 2. drive home and get my wallet, which would mean I'd have to stay an extra 1/2 hour. 10 hour Mondays are long enough.

My pink, yellow-dotted easter egg of change held 63 cents. I couldn't even get something from the vending machine for that. I scrounged in my purse and AHA! A crumpled dollar bill. With that I could get twinkies, or chips, probably even some poptarts. None of which I should be eating.

That's when I remembered it was Costco day. The cheapest lunch day. My ugh turned to hmm as I realized I could buy a hot dog for 1.50. Now with a hot dog in my belly and Erasure in my ears, I think I just might make it through this day.

1 comment:

  1. ah yes, disgusting Costco day. Well, I am glad that you survived the Costco hotdog. May your future days bring you better food.
