Monday, February 8, 2010

"I Want That Belt!"

I have always been a movie quoter. When I was younger and had more free time on my hands and fewer responsibilities it was easier to be the Queen of Quotes, with the ability to quote and recognize any quote from any movie I'd seen. Since I've joined, reluctantly, the adult world, I've gotten lax in my ability. But there are some movie lines that will forever epitomize my childhood.
~"Come for me G'mork, I am Atreyu!"
~"Err. Lizard! Who you calling lizard? Your mother was lizard. Keep walking hero, don't even turn around."
~"They say Aslan's on the move."
~"Starcruizer crash."
~"I told the truth, Lord. How can I learn any moral lessons, if you keep confusing me?"
~"You have no power over me."
~"You were named after the dog?"
~"How do you get so big eating food of this kind?"
~"I'll bring the dip if you bring the dostoevsky."
~"Guns, you're going to shoot guns at me?"
~"Density has bought me to you."
~"Mr. Stubbs, Mr. Stubbs."
But one quote belonged solely to my sister and I. "I want that belt." From a classic cartoon my brothers didn't watch with us. Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer. My sister found the movie online and ordered it. So yesterday we got together and watched it for the first time in years, singing along with Starlite, Rainbow's horse, as he sings "Wake up flowers, I've been up for hours, there's work to do" to issue in spring. Laughing as the greedy princess strokes her pet emerald and demands for Rainbow Brite to give her the special belt, source of all her colorful powers.
Ah, childhood.

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