Monday, November 21, 2011


I have moved out of the crazy lady's house! I am in a wonderful bungalow in a nice big room with lots of space and which I hope to soon decorate! I still live with David and Gloria and Sqweaky so good times there. The only bad thing is there is a problem with setting up the internet which means I am at uni right now doing homework and I thought I would quickly post an update. I probably won't have internet for another week or two but I hope to come into uni and do more detailed posts now that things are settling down.

For those who want my address:
171 Station Road
Lower Stondon
Beds SG16 6JQ

Mail is always fun if anyone wants to send me letters. Or A&W rootbeer. That would be nice too. Though I am not sure how that works or if it would burst in the mail? Hmmm.

Anyway. I am celebrating Thanksgiving on Saturday with David, Gloria, and Sqweaky, and D and G's son Matt, who will be up for the weekend. We always have fun joking around so that will be nice and then we are going to set up the Christmas tree. Yay!

Sorry for the lame update but I need to get back to homework.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


My plans for posting more often have been thwarted by one of the topics I wanted to post about, listed in my last entry. No, not fish pie, and not Sqweaky. Nan, the once-upon-a-time-sweet-grandmothery lady who'd welcomed me into her home who is now the wolf-in-grandmother's-nightgown. She has succumbed to the madness, going from calling me by name to 'that girl' to 'that woman' to now 'the lodger'. She used to have a gambling problem years ago but has been good. Unfortunately her eldest daughter took her a few weeks ago and it has been a downward spiral since. She has lost close to 3,000 pounds in 3 weeks which is close to $4,500. She will be sweet one moment and then the next she is screaming about anything and everything. One of her favorite topics is now me: the lodger who is using her bathroom, using up her electricity. She "don't want no lodgers in my house. It's disgusting. I won't have it." Then she will go to her room and watch telly and cackle hysterical laughter for hours. I am hoping the new medication will stabilize her soon. I am also hoping that my housing options will stop falling through. I was all packed up to move out on Saturday and then my option fell through, and then my backup fell through. Then David and Gloria had another idea of where I could go and that fell through. For some strange and odd reason I don't think I am supposed to move out yet. Actually the situation with Nan is similar to what I went through when I lived with my grandparents for 2 years when I was 11 and 12 so I have had some good advice for David and Gloria that they say have helped them get through this. But I think we are ready to be done getting through it, we want to be on the other side of it. Not really helpful to go through when both Gloria and I are trying to do our Masters right now.