Sigh. What can I possibly say that hasn't already been said? It was wonderful and the culmination of 10 years of my life of reading, rereading, watching, waiting, dressing up, visiting England and the riddle stairs and other places, years of speculations, discussions, of characters so real they are like family and friends. It was 10 years of inspiration, and though the movies and books have ended, the relationships never will. That's the kind of book I want to write, one with characters that will last, that will always draw you into their world. That is what I hope to do for the next year while I am doing grad school in London. I have my funding, my visa will soon be approved (there's no reason why I wouldn't get approved) and then I off to spend a year doing nothing but creating. Yay!
But back to Harry Potter. The movie was awesome. I went at midnight opening night and of course dressed, I almost always have. Since I think the 3rd movie. Though the last two movies I decided dressing up as Hermione was overdone and not as much fun as dressing up as Bellatrix. I wore my Abby Scuito goth boots, my bavmorda cloak, wore a black shirt and skirt, curled, braided and ratted my hair, darkened my eyes and wore hooker red lipstick. I looked amazing. I even had a flashlight that I held in my hand with my wand, so I could press a button and display the dark mark.
The movie jumped into the action and didn't stop. The music was beautiful, the scenery beckoned to me, telling me to return to England (which I will), and the action was great and the characters were true to themselves. Most of the best parts of the book were there with a few added in that were amazing and compelling. I loved what they did with Snape and Lily and the flashbacks. I loved Snape and Neville and was happy that Molly Weasley got her moment.
my own tears were a bit staved off by the girl in front of me that sobbed when the characters that were going to die came on the screen-before they died she started sobbing and cried for the last half hour of the movie. I couldn't help but giggle a bit, the morbidity in me, I suppose, to laugh at someone so emotional.
My work had a Harry Potter showing for us, paid for. So I got to return on Saturday and see the movie for a second time and drink butterbeer while enjoying it again. It was a great weekend.