Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cross Your Fingers

March and April were a whirlwind and I doubt May will be any different. In March while I was bored and surfing the net, I came across several Masters Programs that focused on how to write science fiction and fantasy, which is rare. 3 of them. All in Great Britain. It made complete sense, I'm not sure why I didn't think of it before-why wouldn't England be more open to writing fantasy!? I was shocked and delighted and spur of the moment I jumped in and applied. The application process actually took weeks since I had to get letters of recommendations, but without even thinking about it I gathered together all my college and job info, a writing sample, etc, and did everything else the schools wanted. I got my applications in the first week of April. Then the researching and planning started, looking up the information on cost of living, where I could live, what I would need, the seemingly endless lists of pros and cons about each of the schools I applied to, the lists of what I could take with me, what I would need before I left, what I would need once I got to England. Then mid-April was the interviews. Then the end of April was two letters, both acceptances/offers to complete a Masters in Creative Writing. One in Oxford and one in London!

Now May will be the whirlwind of applying for funding since I don't have that kind of money. Once I find out about funding I can apply for a visa and finalize housing and figure out how I will spent October 2011 through October of 2012 in England finishing my novel and trying to get it published all while living in a green and pleasant land. So cross your fingers and wish me luck that I will get the funding I need!