Sunday, November 21, 2010

Whoops, 3 months?

Well, time does fly when you are having fun. It has been three months since I've written, lots of stuff has happened, but not not even sure anyone but me would find it interesting.
Catch up: (I have to do this with my journal all the time, weeks worth of catchup. This time it is months worth.)
*I love living with my new roommates. We have a lot of fun. We travel together: Lake Powell, Havasupai, Vegas. We play games together: Harry Potter clue, Munchkin, Cities of Catan. We eat together sometimes: cookies, indian food, Thai food. We just don't clean together. They are more relaxed with their idea of cleanliness and order. But, if that is the only thing, then I can live with that. My room and bathroom are clean and organized so I can deal with the rest.
*I have been writing, just not on my blog. But my book is coming along. I just get frustrated when I can't get everything that is in my head, out of of my head fast enough. It gets jumbled as it comes out and I'm not sure how to say it.
*I went to Vegas for my birthday and saw Ka, Cirque du Soleil. AMAZING! I can't believe the darning of the acrobats. It was unlike any show I have ever seen and would recommend it to everyone.
* Harry Potter 7 part 1 was fantastic. I decided that I always dress up as Hermione so this year I would dress up as Bellatrix. Yup. Black makeup, dress, fishnets, boots, robe with skulls. Wand waving the dark mark. Really, I was waving the darkmark.
* I am excited for Thanksgiving. EXCITED!!! I can't wait to go home and spend time with my family. I haven't visited them for 3 months and that is unusual for me. I normally go home once a month.
That was the quickest, least detailed report I have ever done, but hopefully it will get me started on blogging again. Who knows.